Tuesday, January 16, 2007

starting out fresh: weigh in #1

we had our first weigh in for the competition & it went well for me. i'm down 1.6 lbs from my starting weight last week, which is a fairly reasonable start, not so much that i wind up disappointed later on by small numbers, but also enough so that i feel like i accomplished something, & i finally got myself out of the damned 270's, again.

& while i was rather irked at the tickerfactory a few weeks ago for the issues with the website & getting the tickers going, i'm rather happy now because of the fact that to their weight loss ticker they've added a fuctionality that automatically calculates your bmi for you, & i can also pull up a graph of my weight loss if i enter the date each time i do my ticker. woot. so here's my tubby catepiller with my even tubbier weight & bmi attached.

although, i would like to note, that while i'm still very fat, i'm not as fat as i was, & i have done semi reasonably well at keeping fifty pounds off of my body. & while it's not the 150lbs that i would like to say that i've lost, it's still a pretty good amount & something to definitely be proud of.

1 comment:

Suburban Witch said...

Your caterpillar is very cute! hee :) Trust me, you're doing AWESOME. It may not feel like it, but you've come so far- my best friend Kathleen has lost 43 pounds in the last 8 months. Some days she feels like it's a losing battle. It really just takes a few people to point out what a good job you've done. Each pound lost is a small step for you into 'thin-ville'. *G*