Sunday, January 27, 2008

is it insanity or motivation?

obviously there's a lot going on in my life right now. there's been more flux & change in the last year than in a few of the previous years combined. not that i'm bitching by any means at all. & i DID tell miss jenn that 2007 was going to rock hard core. . . & it did with both of us being promoted & all the other cool things that happened, but i feel like that was just the start of many huge things to happen. & now it's barely into a new year & i'm moving & having surgery & planning to finish my master's degree & actually graduate. . . kinda thinking '08 is going to blow '07 to smithereens in the changes category.

within the next two weeks i'll be moving & having the surgery. which, i know is somewhat insane, even as i sit here typing it i kind of want to say "what the FUCK are you thinking, chica?!" not like i would expect a response or anything. but i also realized that my living situation really is very very unhealthy & it would not be a good place to recover from a major operation. & while i can stay at my parents' house recuperating as long as i want to/need to, i also wouldn't be at ease with doing that because i'd be worried what kind of situation i would face coming back to my apartment.

i'm actually very excited about my new place. it's very close to work. my own space. i can completely have it decorated how ever i want. & it will be clean. i like the clean part. A LOT. i have no clue how i'm going to get all this done in the next few days, but somehow i'll get it done, i always do. more to come later.

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