Saturday, December 16, 2006

it's all about the motivation

it's been said over & over that a lot of life & what you accomplish with the time that you're given is about the effort you put in, & related to that, about how motivated you are to achieve. what is often lacking in that whole description is the fear part.

trying to succeed at anything is scary. because you may fail. & no matter how many people believe in you & cheer you on, there's still that little itching of doubt in the back of your brain. that voice that sounds like (your over critical grand parent-abusive ex-second grade teacher-FILL IN THE BLANK) that voice that gets stronger sometimes the harder you try. the voice that tells you: you aren't talented! what do you think you're doing? no one is going to want to read anything you write. you're a loser. you're a failure. don't even try because you'll fail big time. give up, it's easier. give up, because you'll never, ever, EVER make it.

& it's hard when those voices are in your head, competing for your attention. so what happens when you're motivated, but you're terrified? i have the drive, i have the desire, i have the will, but i'm petrified. not so much of success, but of failing. & i'm told, by several people, i have nothing to fear. i have IT, whatever that may be. but i'm still scared.


Josh said...

You know, if somebody could truely figure out a good answer to that problem, I think they would be the most in demand person on the planet!! I think the problem is that it is so truely personal why we are scared to fail(or succeed for that matter), that nobody can tell you the exact answer...

I'll share an idea I just had though... what if you decided to pursue something with the goal of failing REALLY big... and I mean "falling in a puddle of slush on the way to a job interview and then locking your keys in the car and having to go in and ask your interviewee to use their phone" BIG.

I dunno, it could work. If you achieved your "goal", you'd undoubtedly learn a million times more than if you simply did nothing, and if for some reason you found success, I don't think many would complain.. haha.

My point is that when you think of what you have learned in life, you often learn way more from those "failures" than you do the successes.

It's a thought anyway.. :)

Josh said...

Hey Becka, thanks!! I think you indirectly inspired me on a really cool idea. I will let you know more when I start working it...

beckah said...

josh, you'll have to let me know what your great idea is. i'm so uber curious!