Tuesday, August 08, 2006


sheesh, i'm so tired that i could actually curl up under my desk a la george costanza & take a nice little, er, long nap. i have no idea what's making me so bone exhausted lately. i've been taking my vitamins, which kind of scares me to think how tired i'd be if i wasn't taking those to help me out. i should probably try to get into a doctor soon to get stuff figured out. i really do want to work out & actually lose weight, but i'm not sure how i'll accomplish that if i'm so tired all the time that i just want to nap for the majority of the day? do you think i'm at that phase of working out where you're super tired, like wanting to sleep for 100 years tired, but then if you push through it you become all energized like that bunny or like the road runner meep-meep? it could happen, right? yeah, & i'll win the power ball too. ugh! i'm just so frustrated right now! at the beginning of the year i was on track. i was working out regularly with jenn, watching what i ate, losing weight, doing well. then i hurt my right achielles & was banned from working out for eight weeks & i got all upset & my resolve went down the toilet like bad sushi. i know i know i know, i shouldn't use excuses, but i am anyway. it's so hard to get all of that motivation & excitement back once you've gone so far off track. it almost feels as if those couple months when i was eating well, exercising, & losing weight are a memory from another life, or flashes from a movie that i saw. not my actual recent past.

so once again i say, quit the whining & just get to working, right? i really want to do that. i have this picture in my head of how i feel, the way that i think my body should look. right now my physical reality is far far from that mental picture, but i think i can get there, i should be able to get there. It really should be a simple thing, it shouldn't be so complicated, so tough, so mentally exhausting to just eat less & move more. it's all a matter of calories in < calories out=weight loss. hehehe, a math equation. i am a math geek, i should love this, right? right? well, theoretically i should love this.

calling all friends, blog readers, lurkers, & etc:
*what is your favorite diet tip?
*how do you regain momentum/motivation?
*who is your diet/weight loss hero?
*how do i stop my mom from filling the house with sweets?
*how do i keep myself from eating them?
*what kind of rewards do you use for yourself?
*what do you think are the most effective exercises for weight loss?

please post any suggestions. i'll read & consider all comments. thanks much for your time & help : )


PensivePearl said...

*what is your favorite diet tip?

I have millions! Vitamins and Sunlight are huge parts to it. snacking on almonds and drinking a little skim milk or having yogurt each day seems to melt pounds off for me.

*how do you regain momentum/motivation?
Certain points in my life motivate me, especially if I'm looking forward to something. I use mini motivators to get me going each day.. like being able to squeeze into a pair of my fav. jeans again or something.

*who is your diet/weight loss hero?
myself. I'm the only one that can make myself a success.

*how do i stop my mom from filling the house with sweets?
I would recommend substition. Can she replace one bad food.. with something less bad... like instead of ice cream...frozen yogurt or sugar free popsicles? Instead of cookies and cakes, maybe graham crackers and snackwells. I did this with my mom, and now she just knows what to buy as a replacement.

*how do i keep myself from eating them?
Get your own set of healthy snack food. Skim milk with mixed berries, ice and a little splenda, is better than any ice cream I've ever had. They have those little 100 calorie snack packs now.. and any kind of fruit gives you a great sugar kick.

*what kind of rewards do you use for yourself?
clothes mainly...I reward myself with anything that isn't food oriented. clothes, shopping, fun, challenges, the more weight you lose, the more rewards you feel physically and mentally.

*what do you think are the most effective exercises for weight loss?

Pilates and yoga center your mind, and anyone can do them anywhere. Also, I think walking is always the best choice especially if you need something low impact.

Anonymous said...

*what is your favorite diet tip?
PORTIONS... I will always try to grab a second helping and slap me own hand...
*how do you regain momentum/motivation? By looking in my mirror and being so disapointed in myself.

*who is your diet/weight loss hero? Oprah--Seriously!

*how do i stop my mom from filling the house with sweets? Ask her to hide them and NOT eat them in front of you

*how do i keep myself from eating them? Don't deny yourself... like say the hersey kisses that are sitting on your desk... I had 4... gulp... that is ALL I WILL TOUCH... now get them out of here!

*what kind of rewards do you use for yourself? manicure and/or pedicures... an iced coffee from Caribou.

*what do you think are the most effective exercises for weight loss? walking is a big one and running.. I was walk/running two miles a day and lost 30lbs from Jan 06 to present!