time has just been flying by recently. most days i get home & i do turn on my computer, i surf the web, check my email, pull up adium & spend some time chatting before i go to bed. i just haven't been blogging. i can't say exactly why, i just haven't been. i have been pretty tired. pretty overwhelmed, & just trying to get things sorted in general.
tonight i actually have some time, while my dinner cooks & my laundry washes. & i figured i should check in. especially since i hit a milestone yesterday. when i weighed in yesterday morning before work my scale showed me 199. i know. how cool is that? i do have a picture & i'll be putting it up, because i'm sure everyone wants to see my toes & a scale reading 199. then again, maybe there's someone out there that has a fetish related to my toes & a scale. if so, rock on with your bad self. i'm not quite sure where my cord is for my cam, so the picture will be posted as soon as i find that. along with some new pics of my sexy self...i'll see if i can get someone to take some of me.
things at work have been crazy hectic. in a good way. sorta. i'm doing my damnedest to make myself indispensable so that next year when they do reviews they're blown away by how much i managed to accomplish in just one little year. although, i have had a few mini breakdowns, usually around 7am when i roll into the parking lot & i look around & wonder how i got to where i am now. i know, whining won't get my anywhere, but that doesn't mean i can totally resist the urge to do so on occasion. don't get me wrong, i love my life, i have great friends, a good job, a sexy little car, & i'm damn talented. i just never figured i'd be working in cubeville in my 31st year.
i wonder if perhaps it's just pre-birthday reflections. taking a look at the past year & seeing where i've been, what i've done & looking forward. the last year has been pretty kick ass. two of my best friends have had babies, so i'm an auntie twice over. i got a new apartment, a promotion, a new car, another new apartment, gastric bypass, & a new boy. that's a hell of a lot to cram into a year. & i've still got another month or so left before the real end of my birthday year!
class also just ended last week. i had a great time, my classmates totally rock & it was probably the best class that i've had at hamline thus far. the ten of us & our prof just clicked as a group. everyone's projects were SO different, but there was a lot of respect & vibrant energy in the class every week. i turned in my final manuscript & i'm happy with it. i got some really great compliments from my prof & my classmates. i also got some great comments to think on. this piece was just for fun, not really a part of anything else. just something to work on for the class. but i like my character & i like the potential that it has. so maybe it'll turn into more. but let's not discuss how many large fiction projects i have in the work. including this one i have a total of three large projects. i have my novel for thesis, then i have my latest nanowrimo novel that i'm really into writing, & then this one. yes folks, currently working on three novels.
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